Hugging Face Releases SmoLLM, a Series of Small Language Models, Beats Qwen2 and Phi 1.5

Hugging Face Announces Profitability with Free and Open-Source Models

How to Find the Best Multilingual Embedding Model for Your RAG?

Exploring Oobabooga Text Generation Web UI: Installation, Features, and Fine-Tuning Llama Model with LoRA

Build a Travel Assistant Chatbot with HuggingFace, LangChain, and MistralAI

In the End, All AI Startups will be Acquired

How to Build NLP Applications with Hugging Face?

Inside Look: Exploring Ollama for On-Device AI

Hugging Face Introduces LeRobot: The First Robotics Library

Hugging Face Presents Idefics2: An 8B Vision-Language Model Revolution