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anchors, architecture, base network, computer-vision, convolutional neural networks, deep learning, deep learning architecture, faster r-cnn, ground truth, intersection-over-union, iou, machine-learning, Map, mean average precision, measuring performance, neural-networks, Object Detection, r-cnn, region proposal network, roi pooling, rpn, training pipeline, Tutorials
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Advanced, Applications, blogathon, Classification, computer-vision, deep learning, detection, Image, Maps, Object, Object Detection, Objects, Real Time, time, Training
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blogathon, Classification, computer-vision, detection, Github, Image, Intermediate, Models, Object, Object Detection, Training, zero shot
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blogathon, dataset, detection, Github, Image, Intermediate, Object, Object Detection, python, r, recognition, tables, transformer, unstructured data
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computer-vision, deep learning, Embedded, OAK, Object Detection, Object Tracking, opencv ai kit, OpenVINO, Tracking, Tutorials, YOLO
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Beginner, blogathon, Classification, computer-vision, Ethereum, Excel, Guide, Image, image-classification, images, Object Detection, transformer, Transformers
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architecture, blogathon, Classification, computer-vision, Encoding, Features, Image, image segmentation, images, Intermediate, Maps, Object, Object Detection, Regression, segmentation