Data-Ed Webinar: Strategy Is Where Data Architecture and Data Governance Collide

EEDL Webinar: Analytic Translators – How Do They Fit in the Literacy Discussion?

DAS Webinar: Best Practices in Metadata Management

Ataccama Demo: Beyond Data Catalog – Using Metadata to Automate Data Management and Data Quality Tasks

iData Demo: The Data Cookbook– Deliver Full-featured Data Intelligence in a Pragmatic and Affordable Solution

Alation Demo: Data Intelligence + Human Brilliance – Automation on the Data Intelligence Platform Demo: Share the Wealth and Lighten the Load – How Automation and Adoption are Key to a Successful Data Catalog

Denodo Demo: The Power of a Data Catalog That is Integrated With the Data Access Layer

RWDG Webinar: The Data Stewardship Method of Data Governance

Webinar: Discovering and De-risking Sensitive Data