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ai, AI Origins & Evolution, amazon, Apple, big tech, big tech layoffs, blackrock, Citigroup, cost-cutting, Dukaan, firing, Flipkart, Gergely Orosz, google, hiring, Mass layoffs, quarterly-driven results, Salesforce, Sridhar Vembu, TCS, Zoho corporation
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ai doomers, AI laws, ai-safety, biden, big tech, eu ai act, Executive AI order, law, lobby, lobbying, Mapping the Zeitgeist, opensource, privacy
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ai apocalypse, AI Economy, ai investment, AI Layoff, ai-adoption, big tech, Dukaan, Dukaan Layoff, Insight Inquiries, layoff, Mass Layoff, tech layoff
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ai lawsuit, ai news, big tech, Cambrdige Ananlytica, chatgpt, data theft, google fine, Insight Inquiries, Meta, MidJourney, openai, openai lawsuit, sarah silverman, tech lawsuit, Tech News